A much greater Jesus

A much greater Jesus.

Make no mistake, this is the living and active Jesus of today, Who is in our world and in our midst and operates in a much greater manner and functions in much broader capacities than during his earthly ministry. Consequently, He is much greater than most of us can fathom and have been led to believe. He is the ascended, exalted, glorified, transformed, transfigured, transcended, apocalyptic, cosmic, crowned, and contemporary Christ of the Apocalypse, unveiled and revealed in the Bible’s last book of Revelation.

And yet He is the same Jesus who walked, breathed, and left huge footprints in the sand of history and in the lives of countless millions ever since. But that story is also 2,000-year-old history! What’s more important is what this Jesus is like and doing today.

No longer is Jesus the earth-bound, historical Jesus multiple millions have come to know and love. No longer is He confined within an earthly human body. Simply put, those views of Jesus are out-of-date and inadequate. He is a much greater Jesus. The Bible—which I believe every word is true—clearly and emphatically reveals this change. It’s the revelation of the contemporary Christ.


1 The Greater Jesus by John Noe