Not postponed.

Not postponed.

According to the most popular view, the kingdom of God is not here anymore. It was withdrawn and postponed by God when the Jews rejected Jesus and the type of kingdom He was offering, and crucified Him. Some acquiesce that it is here but only in “mystery” form. But someday (soon) Jesus will return and set up or establish his kingdom in Jerusalem for a thousand years.

Problem is, if this position is correct, somebody, like the Apostle John or the Holy Spirit, forgot to clue either the Apostle Paul or Peter in that the kingdom had been postponed. For some thirty-five years after this supposed postponement event they both were still preaching and teaching the kingdom as a then-present and relevant reality (see Acts 8:12; 14:22; 19:8; 20:25; 28:23, 31; 1 Cor. 4:20; and more). And so was Jesus after this resurrection (see Acts 1:3; also Rev. 1:6, 9; 5:10). Besides, we ponder, how are Christians today supposed to follow Jesus’ admonition to “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness” (Matt. 6:33), if this kingdom is in a postponed status and not even here anymore? This most-popular explanation does not make Bible sense!


1A Once-Mighty Faith (future book – est. 2014-2015) by John Noe