Georgia Senatorial Election

GA has elected an abortionist Senator — TY GA black community and Democrat liberals. TY also the Church, which IMO is largely impotent and incompetent in teaching and expanding the kingdom of God — the central teaching of Jesus Christ — both inside and outside its walls and throughout culture as Jesus Himself commanded us…


Simply to thy cross I cling?

How much easier and more Christian is it to cling to the Cross than to seek the kingdom? In the words of an old church hymn: “Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling;” And what kind of a price are we paying for this pervasive belief/habit? Your thoughts please?


What Are We Celebrating This Christmas?

This Christmas we are not just celebrating the birth of a baby. We are celebrating that, of course, but we are also, and more importantly, celebrating all this baby would become. So what all would He become?  I’ve made a short list.  You may be able to think of more. According to Scripture, this baby…


Speaking This Weekend

Glory Center Reminder: Dr. John Noe will be with us this weekend. He will be teaching and dialoguing with us on Saturday morning beginning at 10:00 a.m. He will be demonstrating why a proper and thoroughly scriptural view of Eschatology is so important, and explaining other things along the way to show why a “fulfilled”…


Video #5 in “Greater Than We Believe

Here’s the latest in our “Greater Than We Believe” series:   “Why Is Jesus’ ‘Second Coming’ Never Mentioned in the Bible?” — Video #5 & others Your YouTube link for this and the other videos is: We believe you will find these new videos quite unique, enjoyable, and readily shareable. Thanks for watching!  More…


Video #1 — What Is Greater?

In this Video #1 of the new series “Greater Than We Believe” author John Noe and producer Stephen King discuss “3 Greater Propositions” followed with a T-minus 40-year countdown to the end the Bible consistently proclaims.  Thus demonstrating the intensification of nearness language ratcheting up as Jesus’  40-year “this generation” time frame wound down. Here’s…


New from John Noe on

A Once Mighty Faith

A Once Mighty Faith (paperback / Kindle edition in June)   SYNOPSIS:   The Next Great Awakening?   The kingdom of God is the most important and all-encompassing concept of Scripture. Yet the kingdom remains one of the most misunderstood, misconstrued, confused, abstracted, abused, contested, and ignored realities in the Church.   The kingdom of…