What Do You Know About the Canon?

images (37)Many might respond thusly . . .


“Sure, I know about the canon.  The leaders of the Church got together in a council and decided which books would be in the Bible.”


But this is about as far away from the truth as one can get.


For the next three-four weeks here in Indianapolis and during our weekly Bible study, we’ll be addressing and discussing how the 66 books in our Bible got in and why many others did not.


Yes, I’m prepared, I’m ready, and this is going to be more exciting than I originally thought — depending, of course, upon how much our group wants to know.


Moreover, I plan to be blogging and posting interesting tidbits from our study.  So stay tuned.


But what do you think?


To follow these blogs on the canon, come back to this site weekly on or after Tuesday afternoons.