Extremely Harmful?

Here is one of many responses – but arguably the most interesting – to my pre-Christmas blog titled, “Little Jesus, Meek and Mild—Not Anymore!”


See if you agree or disagree with T. Edward Price’s insights (used with his permission):


Extremely harmful. Christians, as a group, are the most gullible and easily misled people. The image of a child is (seemingly) innocuous. There was no harm in the Israelite children being born. It was what they REPRESENTED that posed a threat. The enemies of Christ (even before His earthly incarnation) have always known the prophecies of the God of the Hebrews. The pharaohs feared the prophecies the Israelites would fulfill, given the opportunity (as if this were negotiable). Herod knew the prophecies, and feared that this Christ child would usurp his throne, and the Kingdom it represented.

The imagery of an “innocent, vulnerable, helpless child in a manger” seems to be a perfect weapon of silent warfare. This is used to neutralize (neuter?) especially Christian men, creating a docile people who should be warriors for His Kingdom. If Christmas were truly Christian, instead of pagan, we would envision Christ as King, reigning over all of Christendom. So, my take (my opinion, I could be wrong) is that Christ’s enemies, for millennia, were powerless to prevent the fulfillment of prophecy concerning the destruction of man’s reign, and the erecting of Christ’s reign. So they have been playing catch up ever since, and part of their warfare involves hijacking Christianity, giving us false idols (baby Jesus and Peter Cottontail), and facilitating the weakening of Christianity, turning what was once a vibrant Christendom, into merely a weak, effeminate Christianity.

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What do you think?


To read my original blog, click here: https://www.prophecyrefi.org/eschatology/little-jesus-meek-mild-anymore/