Temple Turmoil–Bringing Back Animal Sacrifices?

images (4)Ezekiel’s future-coming-temple prophecy and its resumption of animal sacrifices, which are described in magnificent detail and with precise specifications in his chapters 40-46, has divided the Church for almost two centuries and counting.


This prophecy is termed “difficult” and “not easy to read and interpret” by many commentators.


Two conflicting views contest its meaning and vie for allegiance.


One side (dispensational premillennialists) contends that Ezekiel’s prophecy must be understood literally. And since no such temple—to these specifications—has ever been built, this prophecy is still unfulfilled.  Therefore, animal sacrifices will resume in this rebuilt temple in Jerusalem during the future Millennium and be overseen by a returned and present Jesus Christ, Himself, Who will sit enthroned inside its walls.


Others (amillennialists and postmillennialists) argue that this prophecy must be understood symbolically, was fulfilled spiritually, and is emblematic of Christ’s Church in the Gospel dispensation. Therefore, Christ’s “once-for-all” sacrifice is sufficient and superior and no need or obligation exists for a rebuilt temple and a resumption of Old Covenant animal sacrifices.


Who’s right?  Moreover, how do you defend your position against often-heated criticism?