Arrogance or Confidence?

images (49)Here’s an example of the harsh criticism I’m getting from some in the preterist camp over my recent ETS theological paper and book both titled, “Unraveling the End.”


“Wow, the arrogance and shallow scholarship!  You are telling people at ETS that full preterism is in error for teaching that the Second Coming of Jesus took place at the end of the OC age in A.D. 70″ . . . and are “portraying yourself as the only one using a synthesis (in-depth or otherwise) approach in refuting futurism. . . I am simply pointing out falsehood that I see in your paper. . . . I just can’t see past arrogance being your problem.”


My Response:


It is not arrogant when one can back up a claim.  It’s confidence.  And, indeed, I have backed it up.  The uniqueness of my synthesis approach in my book and theological paper (both titled, “Unraveling the End”), and in Church history has been demonstrated, tested, and proven at the highest level of scholarship – the Ph.D. dissertation level.  Now, it has been presented (read, submitted, and questioned) at a meeting of arguably the most prestigious professional society of conservative evangelical scholars.  Apparently, you did not read far enough into my paper to realize this fact (see pp. 3-6).  And many ETS members and others are reading this paper and book.  I recommend both of them to your attention.


To see my ETS paper, go to and click on “About Us” in header and “ETS Theological Paper Unraveling the End” in the drop-down menu.


Or email me and I’ll send you one as an attachment (


So what do you think?